is the only thing
of substance
to occur to me
This post
is the snarling jowls
of a wolf
spotted by James Frey
This poem
is the stubbed toe
of a musician
whose slide guitar
& song abt
a slightly tarnished
silver spoon
failed to move
This post
is a shiny red apple
presented to the teacher
in the bulletproof vest
This post
is the existential crisis
keeping the college sophomore
from writing
a Philosophy term paper
This post
is being written
during much-needed intervals
at work
then later
at home
watching Night Gallery
sober for the first night
all week
because I’m continuing
the conversation
I started earlier
This post
is my conversation
& the only
meaningful interaction
I’ve had
In awhile
I feel a lot
less lonely
when I’m alone
This post
reminds me of
what Krishnamurti says
abt the difference
b/w being alone
& being lonely
Which allows me
to return to
my list
of silly metaphors
This post
is like a painting
of a President
which was inspired
by the negative space
in a previous painting
of a previous President
(the background dotted
w/ startled expressions
as the constituents realize
that their own shadows
are Black)
You could read this post
stick it in a folder
or up yr ass
We are all
in spite of
our debit cards
This post is trite
I’m pretty sure
Billy Collins or somebody
wrote a poem abt itself
Ya gotta do something
this is what
I’m doing
This post
just wants
to hold your hand
it would have better luck
holding you at gunpoint
I could
scratch chalkboards
pull teeth
be politically incorrect
fart in church
But I bet
you’ve been confronted
This post is that
awkward stare
that we nevertheless
find every
superfluous word
in our vocabulary
to avoid
This post
is everything
that we talk abt
write abtargue abt
torture ourselves w/
that either
doesn’t deserve
or doesn’t require
This post
is whatever
the hell it is
that’s wrong w/ that guy
the one
you can’t or won’t
stop staring at
This post
goes out
to all of those things
that haunt you
when drunk or asleep
or watching children play
Those things
you thought you had buried
in that rite of passage
known as Compromise
This post
is as conspicuous
as watching
the instant replay
of a Crisis
(I heard
Big Bruh
Has Tivo)
This post
is not responsible
if I fall off
of the wagon
& neither am I
since I am not
responsible for Gravity
This post
is not a fan
of the Twilight series
It is our jobs
& responsibilities
& obligations
that suck our blood
rather than
fall in love
with us
This post
is bitter
& will therefore
end abruptly.