Thursday, August 16, 2012

Failympics (or, Do Not Stare Directly At This Poem)

The people shopping
can't possibly afford
all that they gather

will have to
clean their mess

Did we get the gold?

Don't we always?

Tactile sensations
w/ no bearing
on the interactions
of atomic particles

Why do you look
when you know
I'm right
behind you?

Can never remember
the high school
History teacher
who confessed
putting sugar on
his Frosted Flakes

Not high enough
fructose corn syrup

Best college memory
big screen TVs
in the now gentrified
University Center
Jerry Springer Show

I didn't put it on

Before that
you could smoke

Still not the same

Is there
no help
for the

People put on
when they
have no luck
being inconspicuous

(the unscratched
that a three
legged dog's
twitching stump
can never

Just as silly
as it is
like the slug
that I stepped & slipped on
at the old house
in Frayser
when I was
much smaller
than the darkness
of our backyard
where I had
left a toy

A few years ago
in Northern California
I got to see
a banana slug
which is
much larger
& neon yellow-green

I wondered
if it tasted
like bananas

the original hipsters
perpetually wear white
after Labor Day

Failing to win.