S*ev* knew there had to be more to the guy than what everyone saw. He might not even be human- programmed by our own gov't to do something that absurd. The man stood abt 5'6, probably weighed 160 lbs, had a mop-top haircut that completely covered his eyes, a lit cigarette perpetually hanging from his lips, always wore a long gray trenchcoat, and kept one hand in his pocket while the other held a cup of coffee still billowing smoke. The role he played reminded one of Bong Boy- for anyone familiar w/ the Upright Citizen's Brigade. He would neither offer solutions nor exacerbate the situation. But smoking a bong would have been more proactive. This gentleman would show up at the scene of any tragedy or disaster. It could be a terrorist attack, a domestic squabble, or an armed robbery. He would appear only to observe for a brief second (we could only assume that his hair did not hinder observation,) then exclaim in a thick Cockney accent, "Bloody hell!" After that, the man would wander off out of sight. If *te** had met *da* at that point, he would have heard the story abt how the man had appeared at the scene of a 3-car pileup & said "Blood" twice before his head exploded. Immediately, another man looking exactly like him had appeared, let an audible yet subtle "Bloody hell!," then quickly disappeared.
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